2013 and Your Home – What Lies Ahead

2013 and Your Home – What Lies Ahead

Have you been wondering what changes and developments in the 2013 housing market will mean for your home? If so, you’re not alone. A series of  predictions  published on De....

Survey Says Have Confidence in Your Home

Survey Says Have Confidence in Your Home

Headlines about the fiscal cliff may lead you to think that housing transactions are tapering off, yet according to the Fannie Mae National Housing Survey for November, that simply....

Choosing a Garage Door For Your Home

Choosing a Garage Door For Your Home

When viewing the exterior of your home, where does your eye focus first? If you have no cars in the driveway, more than likely you’ll notice the garage, a wide expanse that may o....

Flip Your Home Through 2014

Flip Your Home Through 2014

If you are considering investing in real estate in the new year or in selling your home that was recently purchased, you’ll be excited to know that the Federal Housing Administra....

How Buying Your Home is Like Finding the Perfect Holiday Gift

How Buying Your Home is Like Finding the Perfect Holiday Gift

In some ways, finding the perfect holiday gift is very similar to buying a home. You may spend a lot of time researching and thinking about your home purchase. You’ll probably ev....

Holiday Housekeeping and Your Home

Holiday Housekeeping and Your Home

Is a clean house on your list for Santa this year? If not, it may be worth considering since time just seems to evaporate this time of year.  Between attending community and work ....